Congrats, Sponsor!

Now let’s get you up-to-speed on what you need to know!
More InfoOnline Courses

Step 1: Discern

Spend some time reviewing the information available on this site and use that knowledge to discern just how much time and energy you’re willing to invest in your Candidate. Like most things, the more you put into this relationship, the more you BOTH will benefit from it!

Step 2: Learn

Take our FREE online mini course to learn the importance of being a good spiritual guide & mentor, get a few ideas on what it takes to be a great Sponsor, plan your first action step, and start a weekly practice to help you on this amazing journey of faith you’re about to take!

Step 3: Level Up!

We can’t cram all of the skills, tactics, and knowledge you need into a few articles and a mini course. If you care enough to roll up your sleeves and get to work becoming an AWESOME Sponsor, then check out our Confirmation Sponsor Crash Courses and take it to the next level!

Sponsor Basics

We answer the most frequently asked questions regarding the basics of being a Confirmation Sponsor.


As a Sponsor, you're on a journey of faith too. These reflections can help!

FREE Course

If you're not quite ready to dive in and learn to be a super sponsor, then our mini course will get you started on the right foot!

Level Up to SUPER Sponsor!

Choose from one of our Confirmation Sponsor Crash Courses and get the knowledge, skills, tactics, and resources you need to be an absolutely amazing Sponsor!

Our VisioN & Mission

Vision: Empower Confirmation Sponsors to play a pivotal role in their Candidates’ faith formation.

Mission: Deliver the information, resources, and training a Confirmation Sponsor needs to be an amazing spiritual guide and mentor to young people who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We do this by developing and providing both free and low-cost resources, including online video-based training courses.


Do You Take Your Role as Sponsor Seriously?

Studies show that young people are in desparate need of caring adults playing an active role in their lives. You CAN make a difference!

Do you hear God's call?

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve been asked to sponsor a young person for Confirmation!

It really is a tremendous honor – and if you’ve found this website, then you obviously understand that it’s a tremendous responsibility as well.

The first time I was a Confirmation Sponsor, I felt flattered and honored. But when I stopped to think about it, I realized I had no idea what it meant to be a Confirmation sponsor! What was I supposed to do?

I barely remembered my own Confirmation and I didn’t recall much about what my Sponsor had done. My sponsor didn’t do anything wrong… but when a young person asked me to be her sponsor, I felt like I was being called to do something much more memorable!

If you feel that same call – if you know the Holy Spirit wants you to play a larger role in your Candidate’s preparation for Confirmation – then you’ve come to the right place!

Learn MoreLevel Up

Free Articles & Information

How to be a Confirmation Sponsor and More!

Christianity and Service

Community service is important to Christians because it allows us to make a positive impact in our communities and is a powerful way to bring the light of Christ to the world. No wonder Candidates are required to do it as they prepare for their Confirmation!

How to Face Overwhelm

We need to show our teens that one of the wonderful things about being a Christian and surrounding ourselves with loving, supportive people, is that we don’t have to face everything alone!