Become an AWESOME Sponsor

Learn on ANY Device

You’ve been asked to be a Confirmation Sponsor – and it’s quite an honor! But now that you’re done being flattered, I’m guessing you might be asking yourself a couple questions…

What does a sponsor do?

And what if I mess this up?!


(after saying "yes" to being a Sponsor)

Mini Course

Feeling pretty confident but just need a little help? Then our FREE Confirmation Sponsor Mini Course is where you should start.

By the time you finish this mini course, you’ll understand the importance of being a good spiritual guide and mentor to your Candidate, you’ll have a few concrete ideas on what you can do to be a great Sponsor, and I’ll even give you your first action step and a weekly practice that will help you along this amazing journey of faith that you’re about to take!

Confirmation Sponsor
Crash Course LITE

In this course, you’ll learn what the Church requires of a sponsor but also what you need to do to really fulfill your role. I’ll teach you how to effectively communicate with your teenage Candidate, how to share the teachings of the Church, how to share the life of the parish, and how to more effectively share your faith. We’ll even talk about how to pray with your Candidate because not everyone feels comfortable doing that! Once you have a great foundation, I’ll give you a plan for your first few meetings… and then I actually throw in plans for a few extra meetings for good measure. But trust me – you’ll learn how to build a strong relationship with your Candidate that will go well beyond the 10 discussion plans that I provide!

Learn on any device.
Learn on any device.

Confirmation Sponsor
Crash Course FULL

In the FULL version of the Confirmation Sponsor Crash Course, you get everything from the LITE version, plus I’ve added a third module that covers the core teachings of the Church. I address the topics that are currently common in some of the most popular middle school and high school Confirmation prep curricula. If you want to be prepared to talk to your Candidate about topics he or she is discussing in class, then this module should do the trick!

And as an added benefit, you get an additional 8 “bonus” discussion plans for you and your candidate. If you’re getting started early in the Confirmation preparation process, then this is also a big help!