All Candidates for Confirmation are required to perform service hours, which is a very good thing. What’s not so good is the fact that most of them treat it as a “check-the-box” activity without really stopping to think about why they’re being asked to do it.
As a Confirmation Sponsor, you should talk to your Candidate about the importance of community service and, if possible, do some service projects together. Community service is a fundamental aspect of our Christian faith, because it allows us to put our faith into action. When we serve others, we are able to reflect the love of Christ and make a positive impact in our communities.
In Matthew 22:39, Jesus teaches that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. Your Candidate should understand that doing service provides a tangible way for them to love and serve their neighbors by meeting their needs and addressing issues in the community.
Community service also allows Candidates to share the love of Christ with others. Serving others gives them the opportunity to share their faith and show the love of Christ in a very real and practical way. Through their actions, they can demonstrate the love and compassion of God to those around them.
As a Sponsor, you should also consider the fact that serving others can help Candidates grow in their own faith. By serving others, they are often required to step out of their comfort zones and rely on God for strength and guidance. If you reflect on the experience with them, it’s an opportunity for them to deepen their relationship with God and develop an even greater understanding of their faith.
Emphasize to your Candidate that community service is important to Christians because it allows us to make a positive impact in our communities. When we take action to address issues such as poverty, hunger, and homelessness, we bring hope and change to the lives of those around us. This is a powerful and concrete way to bring the light of Christ to the world – and Candidates can do it as they prepare for their Confirmation!
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