The Roman Catholic Church requires that Confirmation sponsors be full members of the Christian community and that they are mature people.

So what does that mean for you? It means you should be a Confirmed, practicing Catholic, who is in good standing with the Church (i.e. you’re receiving the Sacraments). Oh – and you have to act like a grown up!

The Apostolic Constitution on the Sacrament of Confirmation actually describes three activities for Confirmation Sponsors:

  1. Sponsors must bring their Candidates to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. (Pretty straight-forward.)
  2. Sponsors must present their Candidates to the Bishop or the priest for the anointing. (Again, pretty clear.)
  3. Sponsors must help their candidates fulfill their baptismal promises. (This is where the work comes in!)

My guess is that you know all about the first two activities because your sponsor did them with you when you were being Confirmed. However, depending upon what your Sponsor did (or didn’t do), you might be a bit unsure of the third activity.

To learn more about helping your Candidate fulfill her or his baptismal promises, register to take our Confirmation Sponsor Mini Course. It’s self-paced, online, and absolutely FREE!

Don’t wait. Take two minutes and register right now. Your Candidate is definitely worth it!